Saturday, February 19, 2011

Letters From Heaven 3

Linda has sent over some new messages. Hope they find their way to the people that need to get them.


This message is from a husband or boyfriend, possibly with a name like Tony. He is slightly overweight and is Hispanic or Native American. He is sitting in the driver’s seat of a car and smiling. He is saying that he is happy.

A John or Jonathan wants to send his love to his family. He is an older man, in his 60s, has graying hair, a mustache and a beard, but the beard is short. He shows himself sitting at a slot machine in a casino, having a great time.


This message is from a boyfriend, husband. He was someone that worked in an office; he tall and has dark hair; he appears to be in his 30s or early 40s. He tries to let you know that he is around but you are not paying attention.